Free web hosts might be the way to go if you don’t have the funds for a paid web hosting solution. However there are factors that you should consider before you decide to go with a free web host versus a paid web host. When you get something for free you cannot realistically expect or demand the same quality as if you paid for it.
Common issues you can run into with free web hosting:
- The amount of uptime or lack there of
- Technical support and customer service are less responsive or non-existent
- The web host is here one day and gone the next (all of your work and files can be lost)
- Cannot support high traffic as your site grows
Would you setup a legitimate online business on a free web host that has poor support, cannot handle high traffic, and no guarantee of uptime or that your files are safe? If you invest all the time and energy to develop an online business website it makes sense to also invest in a reliable paid web hosting solution. Depending on the size and traffic you expect hosting prices can range from a few dollars a month (shared web hosting) to a few hundred dollars a month (dedicated web hosting). Remember you can start out with a smaller more affordable hosting plan and upgrade as your website grows and demands more resources.
If you are looking to host a personal website or blog maybe a free host is a viable option. So long as you can accept the possible negatives that come with the use of a free host. When your looking for a free host make sure that it does not have forced advertisements, meaning your site is forced to display banners or pop-up ads. It may seem like trying to find a needle in a haystack but they are out there. A free hosting guide worth checking out is They only list free web hosting companies that have no forced ads.
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